LOCUS 1262930 756 aa 23-JAN-1998 DEFINITION C50F4.2.ACCESSION 1262930PID g1262930 DBSOURCE EMBL: locus CEC50F4, accession Z70750KEYWORDS . SOURCE Caenorhabditis elegans. ORGANISM Caenorhabditis elegans Eukaryotae; Metazoa; Nematoda; Secernentea; Rhabditia; Rhabditida; Rhabditina; Rhabditoidea; Rhabditidae; Peloderinae; Caenorhabditis. REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 756) AUTHORS Wilson,R., Ainscough,R., Anderson,K., Baynes,C., Berks,M., Bonfield,J., Burton,J., Connell,M., Copsey,T., Cooper,J., Coulson,A., Craxton,M., Dear,S., Du,Z., Durbin,R., Favello,A., Fulton,L., Gardner,A., Green,P., Hawkins,T., Hillier,L., Jier,M., Johnston,L., Jones,M., Kershaw,J., Kirsten,J., Laister,N., Latreille,P., Lightning,J., Lloyd,C., McMurray,A., Mortimore,B., O'Callaghan,M., Parsons,J., Percy,C., Rifken,L., Roopra,A., Saunders,D., Shownkeen,R., Smaldon,N., Smith,A., Sonnhammer,E., Staden,R., Sulston,J., Thierry-Mieg,J., Thomas,K., Vaudin,M., Vaughan,K., Waterston,R., Watson,A., Weinstock,L., Wilkinson-Sproat,J. and Wohldman,P. TITLE 2.2 Mb of contiguous nucleotide sequence from chromosome III of C. elegans JOURNAL Nature In pressREFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 756) AUTHORS McMurray,A. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (11-APR-1996) Louis, MO 63110, USA. E-mail: or COMMENT Current sequence finishing criteria for the C. elegans genome sequencing consortium are that all bases are either sequenced unambiguously on both strands, or on a single strand with both a dye primer and dye terminator reaction, from distinct subclones. Exceptions are indicated by an explicit note. IMPORTANT: This sequence is NOT necessarily the entire insert of clone C50F4. It may be shorter because we only sequence overlapping sections once, or longer because we arrange for a small overlap between neighbouring submissions. The true left end of clone C50F4 is at 1 in this sequence. The true right end of clone C50F4 is at 4810 in sequence CEF25B3. The true left end of clone F25B3 is at 36068 in this sequence. The true right end of clone F11A3 is at 31225 in this sequence. Coding sequences below are predicted from computer analysis, using the program Genefinder (P. Green, ms in preparation), and other available information. The start of this sequence (1..104) overlaps with the end of sequence CEF11A3. The end of this sequence (36068..36171) overlaps with the start of sequence CEF25B3.FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..756 /organism="Caenorhabditis elegans" /db_xref="taxon:6239" /chromosome="V" /clone="C50F4" Protein 1..756 /product="C50F4.2" CDS 1..756 /note="similar to 6-phosphofructokinase; cDNA EST yk25h3.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk25h3.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk53h6.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk133e7.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk53h6.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk133e7.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk160e1.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk350c12.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk397f8.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk397f8.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk396e5.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk396e5.5 comes from this gene" /coded_by="join(Z70750:17010..17079,Z70750:17124..17788, Z70750:17835..18043,Z70750:18088..18310, Z70750:18359..18802,Z70750:18845..18936, Z70750:18982..19517,Z70750:19574..19605)"ORIGIN 1 meqkfkkgkd hgvgvltsgg dsqgmnaavr svvretirqg hrcyliregy nglingniel 61 akwahvanvt hlggsmigts rcdefrttdg rkkaaaimfd krifhlivig gdgslmgaqk 121 lkeewgrfge elfaegkite evanegrelh lagivgsidn dciesdksig sdtalhrice 181 aidglvmtaq shqrvfvvev mgrhcgylal taaiaveady vfypeippde kwpeqlchql 241 gsvrkmgkrq nviilgegvt nskgqridvr qvkeeietrl qlevriatlg hlqrggapsf 301 ldrliglrmg yeavqevlkg keekegavvt gqktiakvmc lrghniqrne lsrvirqtet 361 aneeimqrhs dlacrlrgfg fldkqtylnf vsiplsttmp srtktfavvh igspcagmna 421 atysftrman hsgiqvigik hgwdglknkd vklltwanvq gwaqfggsml gtkrqlpsem 481 dliaeglnsn nvdglviigg fmafesalil qqnrseytcl sipivvipat isnncpgtcm 541 slgvdtalne icrqvdnisq naigsknkvm iietmgsrsg flatmtalst gsqfalirqv 601 etnekdlekl aietkerlds gnlekfllir segasdeiys pdvkkifdkv mknkygvrit 661 nlgysqlggh pscfdrqmgi rmgvrafegi vnpvkmgdrd ccviglrgss lryvpvqglg 721 kkvcfehgvp hnmwwldlhp lveamtkkpq eavlss//