LOCUS 1491658 1992 aa 23-JAN-1998


ACCESSION 1491658 PID g1491658 DB

SOURCE EMBL: locus CEK12F2, accession Z78199


SOURCE ORGANISM: Caenorhabditis elegans. Caenorhabditis elegans Eukaryotae; Metazoa; Nematoda; Secernentea; Rhabditia; Rhabditida; Rhabditina; Rhabditoidea; Rhabditidae; Peloderinae; Caenorhabditis.

REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 1992)

AUTHORS Wilson,R., Ainscough,R., Anderson,K., Baynes,C., Berks,M., Bonfield,J., Burton,J., Connell,M., Copsey,T., Cooper,J., Coulson,A., Craxton,M., Dear,S., Du,Z., Durbin,R., Favello,A., Fulton,L., Gardner,A., Green,P., Hawkins,T., Hillier,L., Jier,M., Johnston,L., Jones,M., Kershaw,J., Kirsten,J., Laister,N., Latreille,P., Lightning,J., Lloyd,C., McMurray,A., Mortimore,B., O'Callaghan,M., Parsons,J., Percy,C., Rifken,L., Roopra,A., Saunders,D., Shownkeen,R., Smaldon,N., Smith,A., Sonnhammer,E., Staden,R., Sulston,J., Thierry-Mieg,J., Thomas,K., Vaudin,M., Vaughan,K., Waterston,R., Watson,A., Weinstock,L., Wilkinson-Sproat,J. and Wohldman,P.

TITLE 2.2 Mb of contiguous nucleotide sequence from chromosome III of C. elegans

JOURNAL Nature In press REFERENCE 2 (residues 1 to 1992) AUTHORS Harris,B. TITLE Direct Submission JOURNAL Submitted (09-AUG-1996) Louis, MO 63110, USA. E-mail: or

COMMENT Current sequence finishing criteria for the C. elegans genome sequencing consortium are that all bases are either sequenced unambiguously on both strands, or on a single strand with both a dye primer and dye terminator reaction, from distinct subclones. Exceptions are indicated by an explicit note. I

MPORTANT: This sequence is NOT necessarily the entire insert of clone K12F2. It may be shorter because we only sequence overlapping sections once, or longer because we arrange for a small overlap between neighbouring submissions. The true left end of clone K12F2 is at 1 in this sequence. The true right end of clone K12F2 is at 26532 in sequence CET04H1. The true left end of clone T04H1 is at 12898 in this sequence. The true right end of clone ZK836 is at 9214 in this sequence. Coding sequences below are predicted from computer analysis, using the program Genefinder (P. Green, ms in preparation), and other available information. The start of this sequence (1..107) overlaps with the end of sequence CEZK836. The end of this sequence (12898..12999) overlaps with the start of sequence CET04H1.

FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1992 /organism="Caenorhabditis elegans" /db_xref="taxon:6239" /chromosome="V" /clone="K12F2" Protein 1..1992 /product="K12F2.1" CDS 1..1992 /note="similar to myosin heavy chain; cDNA EST cm02b4 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk1d8.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk1b5.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk1b5.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk11h7.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk11h7.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk4d7.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk4d7.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk1d8.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST CESAD80FB comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk37c2.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk32d9.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk45g9.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST CEESV06F comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk21f9.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk31h10.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk37c2.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk39d7.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk45g9.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk33h4.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk124e2.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk124e2.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk493d4.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk459d10.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk459d10.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk468c5.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk468c5.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk320e12.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk320e12.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk294f9.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk294f9.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk244f12.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk244f12.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk232f7.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk232f7.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk207c2.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk207c2.5 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk192e4.3 comes from this gene; cDNA EST yk192e4.5 comes from this gene" /coded_by="complement(join(Z78199:5556..5771, Z78199:5848..10207,Z78199:10272..10800, Z78199:10899..11198,Z78199:11246..11683, Z78199:12753..12888))"

ORIGIN 1 msgnpdafen dpgfpflgis rearaataar pfdskkncwi pdpedgfvaa eiqsttgeqv 61 tvvtvkgnqi tvkkdqcqem nppkfdkted manltflnea svlgnlkdry kdlmiyvrkl 121 klfkkkinti qklnrlnfqt ysglfcvvin pykrlpiyse svikhfmgkr rnempphlfa 181 vsdeayrnmv qdkenqsmli tgesgagkte ntkkvisyfa ivgatqaasg keakdgkkgg 241 tleeqivqtn pvleafgnak tvrnnnssrf gkfirthfsg sgklaggdie hylleksrvv 301 rqapgercyh ifyqimsgnd pslrgklkls ndityyhfcs qaeltiegmd dkeemrltqe 361 afdimgfedn etmdlyrsta gimhmgemkf kqrpreeqae pdgeedalna aamlgiqaee 421 flkaltkprv rvgtewvnkg qnleqvnwav sglakaiyar mfkwiitrcn ktldakeier 481 khfigvldia gfeifdlnsf eqlwinfvne rlqqffnhhm fvleqeeykr egiawtfidf 541 gldlqaciel iekplgiisi ldeecivpka tdmtyaqkll dqhlgkhpnf qkpkppkgkq 601 gdahfaivhy agtvrynatn fleknkdpln dtavallkhs tdnslmldiw qdyqtqeeaa 661 eaakagqtag gkrgksssfa tvsmiyresl nnlmnmlyqt hphfirciip nekkasgvid 721 salvlnqltc ngvlegiric rkgfpnrmly pdfkhryail aadaakesdp kkasvgildk 781 isvdgnltde efkvgetkif fkagvlakle dlrdeilsri vtmfqsrirs ylakaevrrr 841 yeqqtgllvv qrnvrawctl rtwewfklfg k

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