Gene Networks Database

Paracentrotus lividus Genes in Development: Fibrillar collagens



COLL1-alpha encodes collagen which belongs to the fibril-forming group (D'Alessio et al., 1989). Collagens play a role in determining matrix composition and, consequently, in influecing the processes of spiculogenesis and gastrulation (Wessel et al., 1987, Blankenship, et al., 1984).


COLL1-alpha is a fibrillar collagen.
The 5` overlapping sequences of COLL1-alpha cDNAs (Uni 11 and Uni 54) code for two distinct domains of the polypeptide, namely, a 252-amino acid, cysteine-rich carboxyl polypeptide and an uninterrupted 478-amino acid helical domain.
Examination of the deduced amino acid sequences revealed a variety of structural features characteristic of fibril-forming collages. In the helical domain they include the tetrapeptide Lys-Gly-His-Thr, likely to represent a substrate for lysine-mediated crosslinking of the fibrils, and at its carboxyl terminus several Gly-Pro-Pro triplets conceivably involved in the stabilization of the trimer. The 26-amino acid carboxyl telopeptide contains a third structural feature- the crosslinking lysine residue.
Analogy with vertebrate fibrillar collagens is apparent when a selected portion of the sea urchin carboxyl propeptide is aligned with those human chains (COL2A1, COL1A1 and COL3A1). In this region there is a remarkable conservation in the spatial architecture and to some extent, the sequence context around the cysteinyl residues involved in the association and alignment of individual procollagen chains before triple helix formation (D'Alessio et al., 1989).
GenBank: 159958

Subcellular location

Collagen molecules are found in the intercellular spaces (Baccetti et al., 1985).

Expression Pattern

The COLL1-alpha mRNA, approximately 6 kb in size, is clearly detected in prism-stage embryos and significantly accumulates until the free swimming/feeding pluteus larval stage. Nothern blot analysis also detected a weaker band in RNA from gastrulae.

mRNA level

Temporal accumulation

Method: Northern blot analysis
Reference: D'Alessio et al., 1989

+ -

COLL1-alpha transcripts were first detected by in situ hybridization in forming primary mesenchyme cells at the mesenchyme blastula stage.
In the late gastrula stage, the signal was increased relative to earlier stages over most, but not all primary mesenchyme cells. Conceivably, some of the mesenchyme cells exhibiting a background level of signal are actually pigment cells precursors. At this stage the forming secondary mesenchyme also appeared intensely labeled.
By the prism stage, while many of the primary mesenchyme cell derivatives produced a signal above background, the most heavily labeled cells were the derivatives of the secondary mesenchyme.

Spatial localization

Method: in situ hybridization
Reference: D'Alessio et al., 1989

Early mesenchyme blastula
Late gastrula
Primary mesenchyme cells
Primary and secondary mesenchyme cells
Primary and secondary mesenchyme cells



Regulatory Regions


Regulatory Connections

Upstream Genes


Downstream Genes

Evolutionary Homologues

  • COL2A1 H. sapiens
  • COL1A1 H. sapiens
  • COL3A1 H. sapiens
  • COL1A2 H. sapiens
  • COL5A2 H. sapiens
  • COL11A1 H. sapiens


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