What is a Platypus?

    Facts about the Platypus

    Platypus venom causes pain in humans:
    How is pain caused in humans?

    What  makes platypus venom unique?

    Current knowledge on Platypus venom


* Courtesy of <http://www.platypus.org> *

Platypus Facts

    -    They live in freshwater lakes and streams

    -    They are talented diggers, and live in burrows that can be up to 85 feet long

    -    Platypuses  communicate by growling

    -    They are non-confrontational creatures, and try to avoid human contact

    -    Their mating season lasts from mid July to late August

    -    The female platypus can only lay three eggs a year

    -    Platypuses spend 12 hours a day in the water

    -    Platypuses swim and hunt with their eyes closed

    -    They use whiskers to feel vibrations made by their prey in the water
          (mostly shrimp and insect larvae)