Risks, Interesting Facts

If the preceding pages were not enough to sway you from using cocaine, probably nothing will.  However, you should know that cocaine is related to other cardiovascular disorders as well, like stroke and acute renal failure.  It is also highly addictive, sometimes after only the first time.  Any addiction can be dangerous to the person with the problem and anyone around them.  Cocaine is especially dangerous because users often feel the need to repeatedly use only minutes after the initial high.  Addicts also rarely see themselves as having a problem, which can lead to confrontations down the road.  Below are a couple sites which may be helpful to someone dealing with an addiction.

The Betty Ford Center
Cocaine Anonymous World Services

On a lighter note, here are just a couple facts about cocaine you may find interesting (not necessarily true):

-Sigmund Freud used cocaine often, and even recommended it to his family and friends

-Actor/comedian Chris Farley died of an overdose at age 33, the same age his idol, John Belushi, also overdosed and died

-In the early 1900's, cocaine was used as a "cure" for morphine addiction

-Coca Cola originally contained cocaine, but it was removed from the recipe

-In 1999, nearly 10% of high school students had used cocaine at least once (NIDA, 2001)

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Crack and the Heart  Other Risks and Interesting Facts


© Copyright 2000 Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, NC 28036. Send comments, questions, and suggestions to: joferguson@davidson.edu