What are "terminator seeds"? How it works Advantages & Disadvantages of Seeds Future of "Termination Technology" References
How the technology works

Structure of Tetracycline, 2004 (Permission Pending)

opbs.okstate.edu/.../ UN27-p1056-Tetracycline.GIF


“Termination technology” involves the insertion of three genes along with their genetic on switches into plant seeds. When the main gene is dormant, the seeds function as normal allowing the plant to grow and reproduce. Prior to being sold to farmers, the seeds are sprayed with an antibiotic such as tetracycline. The antibiotic activates the master gene, which causes the release of toxins that kill the seed. Thus, the seeds are unable to germinate (Service, 1998).

The diagram below gives an illustration of how the technology works. A blocker is placed between the late promoter and the toxic gene. When the seed is exposed to tetracycline, the blocker is cut out. The absence of the blocker allows the late promoter to switch on the toxin gene, which then kills the seed (http://filebov.vt.edu/cals/cses/chagedor/terminator.html , 2004) .

* Diagram, 2004 (Permission Pending)


* Structure of Tetracycline, 2004 (Permission Pending)

www.chem.ox.ac.uk/.../ tetracycline.html


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