Bio361A: Forensic Serology
Dr. Karen Bernd
Fall 2005: Watson 310

Frank Molinek, Science Librarian has office hours in Watson 358
3:30-4:45pm on Wed and Thurs (beginning Sept 7)


  Topic/Text Reading

Pre-course Survey: Complete before doing readings for this week. Available Noon Monday 22nd until 11:59pm Wednesday 24th.
Course Background Reading: All from Purves et al. 7th ed. (The edition with lions on the cover. If you do not have access to a copy of this text please contact me)
Chapter 3: Life and Chemistry: Large Molecules: Focus on 38-45 and 54-57
Chapter 6: Energy, Enzymes and Metabolism: Focus on 113-118 and 121-123
Chapter 10: Genetics: Mendel and Beyond 187-199
Chapter 16: Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology 318-321, 335-337

Background reading contains review of terms, theories and technologies.
Note: there is a quiz on this material during the first class meeting. Quiz assumes 'Bio111' level of understanding and should be review.


Introduction to Course
Quiz on Background Reading
Introduction to Forensic Serology


All on Blackboard: Serology Presentation Guidelines handout, Peer evaluation form, Evaluation for Practice talk form, Presentation Compentencies Handout (read them)
Accepting evidence and expert witness testimony: Daubert Decision, Rehnquist opinion, Blackmun opinion, Daubert in NC, Federal Rules of Evidence #702.


1-2pm Meet at Little Library in Technology Classroom: Science Librarian (F. Molinek) to review library resources and search strategies
2-3pm: Assignment of next weeks' topics--Literature search. Turn in list of at least 4 sources
3-4pm: In Watson: Discussion of Daubert and rules for accepting evidence.
Discuss topic presentations.

Remember presenters must give one critiqued practice talk before 9pm Monday so that peer reviewer can turn in form by 10pm.


TOPIC: Forensic analysis of Sweat/Breath - focus on alcohol
Assigned topics:

  • The law: Alcohol related law-- what are the rules, the limits, and the consequences (limit to breath and sweat)? Focus on field sobriety testing
  • The biology: What is in your breath? What is sweat?
  • The forensic technology: Detection of alcohol by 'breathalyzer' and SCRAM (not Blood Alcohol)

READING: Saliva Proteome Paper
Remember presenters must give one critiqued practice talk before 9pm Monday so that peer reviewer can turn in form by 10pm.


Presentation of topics
Peer evaluations -- form available on Blackboard
Saliva Proteome Paper


TOPIC: Analysis of Blood Alcohol
Assigned topics

  • The law: Alcohol related law-- what are the rules, the limits, and the consequences (limit blood alcohol)?
  • The biology: Metabolism of alcohol (alcohol pharmokinetics and dynamics of alcohol transport in the body)
  • The forensic technology: Detection of Blood Alcohol Levels

READING: Sadzuka et al. (2005) Effects of Theanine on Alcohol Metabolism and Hepatic Toxicity Biol. Pharm. Bull 29: 1702-1706

Marshfields Laboratories "Urine Alcohol Testing" 2005. Sept 1 2005. <>


Presentation of topics
Peer evaluations -- form available on Blackboard
Review of Debate proceedings. Assignment of debate positions



1: US laws used to define the legal BAC limit at 0.1% or above. Dropping the legal limit to 0.08% will reduce alcohol-caused crashes. Yes/No

2. DWI courts are a good use of resources and ensure better handling of DWI cases. Yes/No

(No additional reading)


Last week's groups discuss questions
DEBATE #1: BAC limit and DWI courts
Peer evaluations of debate
Assign topics for Blood section


TOPIC: Blood
Assigned topics:

  • The biology: What is blood?
  • The forensic technology 1: How do you determine if blood is present at a crime scene?
  • The forensic technology 2: How do you determine if blood is human?

READING: Antibody Profiling-- IgD
Isotachophoretic analysis of Human DNA


Presentation of topics
Peer evaluations -- form available on Blackboard



TOPIC: Blood
Assigned topics:

  • The law: Use of blood evidence in the courtroom (not DNA)
  • The biology 1: The ABO blood typing system
  • The biology 2: Human Blood Markers: Beyond ABO

READING: Shabazz Case


Last week's groups discuss questions
Presentation of topics
Peer evaluations -- form available on Blackboard
Assign topics for Analysis of Blood Markers and Detection of Semen seetcions

Discussion: Shabazz Case: Should an appeal be granted?


(Fall Break)


EACH person will report on a development, case, public debate that concerns the use of forensic serological technology. 5min with time for questions (no powerpoint)

Initial preparation for public presentation


TOPIC: Analysis of Blood Markers

  • The biology 1: Basic Properties of Inheritance (relate to blood markers)
  • The biology 2: Antibody antigen interactions (relate to forensic detection methods)
  • The forensic technology: Methods for detecting Blood Markers

READING: Determining ABO blood grouping from human oral squamous epithelium (2002)


Week before Fall Break's groups discuss questions
Presentation of topics
Peer evaluations -- form available on Blackboard

Public presentation planning/prep


TOPIC: Detection of Semen

  • The forensic technology 1: What is semen? Presumptive tests for semen. What are they? How do they work?
  • The forensic technology 2: Confirmatory tests for semen/ for human semen. What are they? How do they work?
  • The law 3: Law relating to sexual assault. What is it? How is it proven? What are the consequences of conviction?

READING: 'Evaluation of PSA Membrane Test' paper
Sexual Assault Case


Last week's groups discuss questions
Presentation of topics
Peer evaluations -- form available on Blackboard
Assign topics for DNA evidence section
Public presentation run through


Tuesday November 1st, 7pm: Presentation to Boy Scout Troop
Title: Blood Hunters and the Case of the Kidnapped Co-ed.


After presentation: Write critique of presentation. Include discussion of parts that went well, parts that didn't go well (and reasons why that might have been) and comparison of expectations vs. reality
DUE SUNDAY Nov 6th by midnight: email word document as an attachment


TOPIC: DNA evidence

  • The law 1: Use of DNA in evidence in the courtroom
    (How long has DNA evidence been admissable? In what conditions/types of cases would DNA evidence be helpful?)
  • The biology : What is DNA, at both chemical level and functional level? Similarities and Differences between genomic and mitochondrial DNA
  • The forensic technology : Methods for DNA analysis-- RFLPs. SNPs, microsatellites-- what are they, how are they detected?

READING: Out of the Icebox article
Allelic Discrimination article


10/23 groups discuss questions
Feedback and discussion of public presentation
Presentation of topics
Peer evaluations -- form available on Blackboard


TOPIC: DNA evidence

  • The biology and forensics 1: Theory vs practice: complications introduced by crime scene samples
  • The biology and forensics 2: Mitochondrial DNA and mass disasters
  • The forensics: CODIS and DNA databases: Their development and the population genetics behind them

READING: Mauney case


Presentation of topics
Peer evaluations -- form available on Blackboard
Discussion of Mauney case
Assignment of Debate positions


Thanksgiving Break: Watch any of the many CSI or Law & Order and discuss the forensic serology with your friends and relatives


A: DNA profiling technology has been developed, and accepted, for use in forensics cases. Connecting a suspect to a crime scene by DNA profiling is the shining gold standard.
Affirmative: Drew, Brian, Laura
Negative: Pete, Bruce, Michelle

B: The tenets of California’s Proposition 69 should be adopted and implemented by the federal government.
Affirmative: Eric, Lily, Steve
Negative: Joe, Clint, Megan

Read revised debate instructions before beginning preparation.



Peer evaluations of debate
Course Evaluations

    EXIT SURVEY DUE BY December 5th