"This web page was produced as an assignment for an undergraduate course at Davidson College."


1. Department of Nematology at University of California, Davis. <http://ucdnema.ucdavis.edu/imagemap/nemmap/ENT156HTML/nemas/dirofilariaimmitis> 31 March 2005.

2. Plymouth County Mosquito Control Project <http://www.plymouthmosquito.com/dogcycle.jpg>. 8 Feb 2006. Courtesy: Jon Vilhauer

3. Nash, H. "Heartworms." <http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=2&cat=1621&articleid=743>. (C) 1997 - 2007.

4. Janeway et al. Immunobiology: the immune system in health and disease. New York: Garland Science. 2005.

5. Simon, F. and L.H. Kramer. "Immunopathology of Dirofilaria immitis infection." Veterinary research communications. Volm. 21, issue 2, feb 2007: 161-171.

6. JK Nayar. "Mosquito-borne Dog Heartworm Disease." University of Florida, cooperative Extension service, August 1998. <http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=treatment+of+heartworm+disease&hl=en&lr=&start=10&sa=N>

7. Germinder and Associates, Inc. "Canine heartworm disease." © 2007 American Heartworm Society <http://www.heartwormsociety.org/CanineHeartwormInfo.htm>

8. Tezuka, H. and Shinjiro Imai. "Various types of Dirofilaria immitis Polyproteins selectively Induce a Th2-type Immune Response." Infection and Immunity. July 2003. 3802-3811.

9. Pastrana, Diana. "Filarial Nematode Parasites Secrete a Homologue of the Human Cytokine Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor." Infection and Immunity. Dec 1998. 5955 - 5963.

10. Photo credit: http://www.beaglesunlimited.com/Photos/CanineHeartworms.jpg

11. Photo credit: http://inmunotron.med.uchile.cl/basico/il10.jpg

12. Photo credit: http://www.ionchannels.org/pdb-image/2AZ5.jpg

13. Photo credit: www.path.cam.ac.uk/~mrc7/lectures/g1g4.jpeg

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