Bio113 Reading Schedule for Dr. Campbell - Fall 2022
100% in person

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MAug 29
Introduction to Course;  eBook; Recordings (via Moodle)
Chapter 0 (no kidding)
Recording of Class
Aug 31 Information at Molecular Level Sections 1.1 & 1.2 + BME 1.1
Sep 2 Information at Molecular Level Section 1.3 + ELSI 1.1 Recording of Class
Sep 5 Information at Molecular Level Section 1.4 + BME 1.2 & BME 1.3 Recording of Class
Sep  7
Information at Molecular Level Sections 1.5 & Conclusions Recording of Class
F Sep  9  Information at Cellular Level Section 2.1 + ELSI 2.1 & Start 2.2
Recording of Class
Sep  12
Information at Cellular Level Finish 2.2 + BME 2.1 & BME 2.2 Recording of Class
Sep 14
Information at Cellular Level Sections 2.3, 2.4 + ELSI 2.2 Recording of Class
Sep 16
Information at Organismal Level Section 3.1; BMEs 3.1 + 3.2 Recording of Class
Sep 19
Information at Organismal Level Section 3.2 + ELSI 3.1 & Section 3.3 + BME 3.3 Recording of Class
Sep  21  Information at Organismal Level Sections 3.4 & 3.5 + ELSI 3.2 Recording of Class
F Sep 23
Exam #1 (Chapters 1 - 3)
goes out Friday 23rd
Exam Due Monday 26th do not read for class Monday
Sep  26 Exams due by class time ELSIs already read;
Bayes Rule interactive page
Discuss ELSIs in Detail
W Sep 28  Evolution at Molecular Level Section 4.1 + ELSI 4.1 + first half Section 4.2 Recording of Class
F Sep  30  Evolution at Molecular Level Finish Section 4.2 + BME 4.1 + Section 4.3 + BME 4.2
Recording of Class
M Oct  3  Evolution at Molecular Level Section 4.4 + BME 4.3 Recording of Class
W Oct  5  Evolution at Cellular Level Section 5.1 + BME 5.1 + ELSI 5.1 Recording of Class
F Oct  7  Evolution at Cellular Level Section 5.3 + ELSI 5.2  Recording of Class
M Oct 10
Fall Break!
No Class Meeting!
catch up on sleep & studying    
W Oct  12
Evolution at Organismal Level Sections 6.1 & 6.3
+ ELSI 6.1 + BME 6.1
Recording of Class
F Oct 14
Evolution at Organismal Level Section 6.5 + ELSI 6.2
Recording of Class
M Oct 17
Cells at Molecular Level Section 7.1, start 7.2 Recording of Class
W Oct 19
Cells at Molecular Level Finish Section 7.2
+ ELSI 7.1
Recording of Class
F Oct 21
Exam #2 (Chapters 4 - 7)
goes out Oct 21
Exam Due Monday 24th
do not read for class Monday
M Oct 24
Exams due by class time
ELSIs already read
Discuss ELSIs in Detail
W Oct 26 Cells at Organismal Level Start Section 9.1 (start) Recording of Class
Scrambled Partial Neuron Exercise
F Oct 28 Cells at Organismal Level Finish Section 9.1
+ BME 9.1; start 9.2
Recording of Class
Scrambled Full Neuron Exercise
M Oct 31 Cells at Organismal Level Finish 9.2; + ELSI 9.1;
start 9.3
Recording of Class
W Nov 2    Cells at Organismal Level Finish Section 9.3; ELSI 9.2 Recording of Class
F Nov 4 Homeostasis at Molecular Level Section 10.1, start 10.2 Recording of Class
M Nov 7 Homeostasis at Molecular Level Finish 10.2 + ELSI 10.1 & Section 10.3 no Zoom recording
W Nov 9 Homeostasis at Molecular Level Section 10.4 + BME 10.1 & ELSI 10.2 Recording of Class
F Nov 11 Homeostasis at Cellular Level Section 11.1
Recording of Class
M Nov 14 Homeostasis at Cellular Level Section 11.2 + ELSI 11.1
Recording of Class

Date Emergent Properties Reading
W Nov 16
Emerg. Prop. at Molecular Level
Sections 13.1 & 13.2 + BME 13.1
Recording of Class
F Nov 18 Emerg. Prop. at Cellular Level Section 14.1 + ELSI 14.1
Recording of Class

F Nov 18
Exam #3 (Chapters 9 - 11) goes out on Friday 18 Nov
Exams Due Mon Nov 21
don't read for class on Monday
M Nov 21
Exams due by class time
ELSIs you already read
Dicuss ELSIs in detail
W Nov 23
Thanksgiving Break
Rest and enjoy holiday
give thanks for what you have
F Nov 25
Thanksgiving Break
Rest & get ready for final push
give thanks for what you have
M Nov 28 Emerg. Prop. at Organismal Level Section 15.2 Recording of Class
W Nov 30 Emerg. Prop. at Organismal Level Section 15.3 + ELSI 15.2 + BME 15.1 & 15.2 Recording of Class
F Dec 2 ZOOM Emerg. Prop. at Organismal Level Section 15.5 (first part) Recording of Class
M Dec 5 ZOOM Emerg. Prop. at Organismal Level Section 15.5 (second part) Recording of Class
W Dec 7 Emerg. Prop. at Organismal Level
Section 15.5 + ELSI 15.4
Recording of Class
Dec 10 - 16
Final Exam
(Chapters 13 - 15)
Exams Due by noon 16 Dec 
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