Biology For Life (BIO105)
Spring 2021
Student Infograpics

Biology For Life Syllabus

student name
 Abbey GMOs and health
 Anna power naps are helpful
 August ADHD diagnosis sex bias
 Carter exercise and metal health
 Catherine climate change: real and significant
 Charlie cell phone use and driving
 Chinara concussions and athletes
 Daniel concussions and athletes
 Eli sufficient sleep for benefits
 Elizabeth staying hydrated is good for you
 Erin TBD
 George marijuana's impact on cognition
 Gretchen nutrition and female athletes
 Hera rise of hate crimes in America
 Hugh caffeine and athletics
 Jack alcohol's affect on sleep
 Jalen sleep benefits for athletes
 Jingyi sleep and memory
 Joe consequences of believing in conspiracy theories
 John COVID vaccines and effectiveness
 Julia multi-tasking and grades
 Katherine our diet's impact on greenhouse gas emissions
 Louis sleep and academic grades
 Nani COVID and race in America
 Nic gun violence is a problem
 Nilay medial multi-tasking and grades
 Rachel alcohol and athletics
 Redden diet impacts on carbon footprint
 Sae concussions in athletics
 Tyler benefits of caffeine
 Zach alcohol affects academic performance

Biology For Life Syllabus

© Copyright 2021 Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, NC 28035

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